Let’s hang out with the Buddha!

Learning the fundamentals of the Buddha's teachings through selected Suttas from the Pali Canon help shred light on the true nature of life.

The Buddha gives the greatest gift to humanity -the gift of wisdom. Though he passed long time ago, his teachings still alive through the sacred buddhist text. As long as the teachings still exist, reaching the spiritual liberation is a promising task. Studying sutta enables us to gain the direct access to the authentic teachings of the Buddha. Learning 2500 years old discourses not only is intriguing, but it also provides us with clear and detailed instructions of how to live good life for both monks and lay people.

The Pali Canon or Tipiṭaka (three baskets) is the collection of the teachings of the Buddha comprises Vinaya Piṭaka (discipline basket), the Sutta Piṭaka (sutta basket) the and the Abhidhamma Piṭaka (higher doctrine basket).

Most of the Dhamma teachings of the Buddha and his prominent disciples are kept in the Sutta Piṭaka which contains 21000 discourses within the five Nikāyas or collections: Digha Nikāya (34 long discourses), Majjhima Nikāya (152 middle-length discourses), Samyutta Nikāya (connected discourses), Anguttara Nikāya (numerical discourses), and Khuddaka Nikāya (minor collection).

“The purpose of studying the suttas is to learn the original teachings of the Buddha from the sacred text which is a great source to develop true wisdom about our lives.”