“The School of Hope”

“263 million children globally aged between 6-17 are out of school.” (UNESCO, 2016)

According to the global education goal-SDG4, world governments have responsibility to deliver universal accomplishment of primary and secondary education by 2030. Unfortunately, this has proven to be a very difficult task especially for underdeveloped countries. This problem falls under the category of ‘Educational Equity’ and it is one of the major global challenges dealing with the achievement of SDGs. Thailand, like other countries, has struggled to successfully bring all of its children into the educational system in an equitable way.

The roles of Buddhist temple in promoting educational equity for highlander youths.

Wat Ban Khun Buddhist School is the only Phrapariyattidhamma School in Hot and Omkoi District. Many highlander youths in this area, including neighboring communities, have been lacking of opportunity to continue their upper-secondary education. This boarding school was founded by Phrakrusangworasitthichot in 2003 and has been rendering educational services for ethnic minorities ever since in both lower and upper-secondary level. More than 95 % of students are from hill tribes including Karen, Lau and Hmong. The school utilizes student-centered learning concepts that provide quality education in academics and Buddhist wisdom while raising awareness to preserve cultural diversity and local tradition.

Wat Ban Khun Buddhist School , Chiang Mai, THAILAND

Wat Ban Khun Buddhist School is currently the most prominent school among Phrapariyattidhamma schools in the Area 5 (Chiang Mai, Mae Hong Son and Lamphun) in rendering quality and equitable education for disadvantaged highlander youths. The school receives countless recognitions including Chiang Mai’s Green Temple Award, Development Temple Model of National Office of Buddhism and Best Practice of Environmental Management Award.

Raising higher education standard for underprivileged youth.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” -Nelson Mandela-

The school has highest number of students who passed Pāli examination in Chiang Mai.

As a researcher, the academic journey at Mahidol University is an eye-opening for me to the inequity in education issue and shocking numerous number of hill-tribe underprivileged children in Thailand. Living in a remote area and poverty should not be reasons that keep children from accessing quality education. While the government cannot render enough quality education services to such underprivileged children, Buddhist Scripture School can help fill this gap.

At Wat Ban Khun, pupils from different tribes equally have access to quality education at no cost under close attention from the abbot and teachers.

The School of Hope

Teaching Dhamma for highlander children at Banmaelainua School, Hot District, Chiang Mai Province.

The Life of a Novice Monk at Wat Ban Khun Documentary

Getting to know Wat Ban Khun Buddhist Scripture School

Wat Ban Khun

129 Moo 3 Bo Luang Sub-district, Hot District, Chiang Mai, Thailand 50240

Facebook: @pagewatbankhun

Together, we can make a different! Donation, volunteer english teachers and educational researchers are welcome.