“The non-doing of any evil,

the performance of what's skillful,

the cleansing of one's own mind:

this is the teaching of the Buddhas.”

Recommended Buddhism materials:

“Buddhism is nothing but a Holistic Education System about the truth of life and how to live good life. Studying the teachings of the Buddha will help one to become a happier and wiser being.”

-Thanajayo Bhikkhu, Ph.D.-

The Four Noble Truths are the central Teaching of the Buddha. This booklet was compiled and edited from talks given by Venerable Ajahn Sumedho on the teaching of the Buddha: that the unhappiness of humanity can be overcome through spiritual means. The teaching is conveyed through the Buddha’s Four Noble Truths, first expounded in 528 BC in the Deer Park at Sarnath near Varanasi, India and kept alive in the Buddhist world ever since. eBook

The Noble Eightfold Path- The Way to the End of Suffering (1994): The essence of the Dhamma or Buddha’s teaching can be divided in two principles: the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. The first covers the section of doctrine, and the second covers the section of discipline. This book of Bhikkhu Bodhi illustrates a proper understanding of the Noble Eightfold Path by investigating its eight factors and their components to determine exactly what they involve as appeared in the Sutta Pitaka of the Pali Canon. The noble Eightfold Path comprises right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. eBook

The Foundations of Buddhism (1998): Buddhism is a vast and complex religious and philosophical tradition with a history that stretches over 2,500 years, and which is now followed by around 500 million people. In this introduction to the foundations of Buddhism, Rupert Gethin concentrates on the ideas and practices which constitute the common heritage of the different traditions of Buddhism (Thervada, Tibetan, and Eastern) that exist in the world today. From the narrative of the story of the Buddha, through discussions of aspects such as textual traditions, the framework of the Four Noble Truths, the interaction between the monastic and lay ways of life, the cosmology of karma and rebirth, and the path of the bodhisattva, this book provides a stimulating introduction to Buddhism as a religion and way of life. eBook

What the Buddha Taught (1959) by Walpola Rahula.

The classic introduction to Buddhist philosophy to the modern reader. Walpola Rahula’s book has had a dramatic impact on the shape of Buddhist thought in the West but its interest is far from merely historical: it remains one of the most lucid and sympathetic introductions available in English, even today. Recommended for newcomers to Buddhism or anyone looking for a solid grounding in Buddhist doctrine. eBook

The Buddha and His Teachings: This book , over 400 pages, by Narada Maha Thera provides a good source of information for those who wish to understand the life of the Buddha and his fundamental teachings in a clear, detailed explanation. eBook

The Word of the Buddha: This book of Nyanatiloka Mahathera is exactly what it claims, a small, skillfully chosen collection of quotations from the Buddha’s own teachings, with some explanation here and there. Here you can read the Dhamma in the words of the Buddha himself. eBook

Buddhism a Very Short Introduction offers readers a superb overview of the teachings of the Buddha, as well as a succinct guide to the integration of Buddhism into daily life. What are the distinctive features of Buddhism? Who was the Buddha, and what are his teachings? Words such as "karma" and "nirvana" have entered our vocabulary, but what do they mean? Damien Keown provides a lively, informative response to these frequently asked questions about Buddhism. As he sheds light into how Buddhist thought developed over the centuries, Keown also highlights how contemporary dilemmas can be faced from a Buddhist perspective. eBook

Other Online Resources:


suttacentral.net : The website contains a large volume of the translations of early teachings of the Buddha from Tipitaka.

accesstoinsight.org : This site provides modern translations of more than 1,000 suttas from the Pali canon.

readingfaithfully : Devotional and Contemplative sutta reading for the faithful disciple. By developing a daily habit of contemplative and devotional reading of the suttas you will deepen your understanding and practice of his timeless wisdom.

buddhanet.net : Buddhist Information and Education Network.

sacred Texts site : For out of copyright translations of ancient buddhist scriptures.

dhammanet.org : including: learning resource center, study center and directory.

dhammatalks : Download Dhamma talks and Buddhism related books by Thānissaro Bhikkhu.

bodhi-college.org : Providing a global home for curious minds looking to study the original teachings of the Buddha, relate them to modern day life and practice in an inclusive community.

Dhamma Book Collections:

Digha Nikāya : An Anthology from the Digha Nikāya (long discourses of the Buddha) translated by Thananissaro bhikkhu.

Majjhima Nikaya : An Anthology from the Majjhima Nikāya (middle length discourses of the Buddha) translated by Thananissaro bhikkhu.

Samyutta Nikaya : An Anthology from the Samyutta Nikāya (connected discourses of the Buddha) translated by Thananissaro bhikkhu.

Anguttara Nikaya : An Anthology from the Anguttara Nikāya (numeric discourses of the Buddha) translated by Thananissaro bhikkhu.

The Buddha, His Life and Teachings : This is a comprehensive and authentic book on the Buddha and his Teachings by Piyadassi.

Buddhism in a Nutshell : This is a classic on the Basics of Buddhism by the late Narada Thera.

An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices by Peter Harvey (Cambridge University Press, 2012).

The Buddha: A very short introduction by M. Carrithers (Oxford University Press, 2001)

Fundamental Buddhism : This book offers a series of 12 lectures on the subject of Fundamentals of Buddhism by Dr.Peter D. Santina.

The Path of Purification : The Visuddhimagga is the 'great treatise' on Buddhist practice and Theravāda Abhidhamma written by Buddhaghosa approximately in the 5th Century in Sri Lanka (translated from Pali by Bhikkhu Nanamoli).

The Path of Freedom : The Vimuttimagga is similar to the Path of Purification, but less analytical and more practical in its treatment of the traditional meditation objects.

A Critical Analysis of the Jhanas in Theravada Buddhist Meditation : The book provides details analysis of Jhanas as appeared in the Buddhist Text by Ven.Henepola Gunaratana, Ph.D.

The Seven Stage of Purification & the Insight Knowledge: The Seven Stages of Purification provide the framework for the disciple's gradual progress from the cultivation of morality up to the final liberation.

A Survey of Paramattha Dhammas by Sujin Boriharnwanaket & Translator Nina van Gorkom

Jataka 1 : The Buddha’s tales for Young and Old vol 1.

Jataka 2 : The Buddha’s tales for Young and Old vol 2.

The Debate of King Milinda : The Milinda Pañha is a Pali book written in about the 1st century B.C. King Milinda. He met a learned monk name Nāgasena and the king asked a number of questions on the philosophy, psychology and ethics of Buddhism.

Dhammapada - the Buddha’s Path of Wisdom : The Dhammapada, an anthology of verses attributed to the Buddha, has long been recognized as one of the masterpieces of early Buddhist literature. This is a collection of 423 short verses, grouped into 26 chapters by Acharya Buddharakkhita. The book is an excellent text for newcomers and experienced practitioners alike.

A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma : This modern translation by Bhikkhu Bodhi of the Abhidhammattha Sangaha (Manual of Abhidhamma) offers an introduction to Buddhism’s fundamental philosophical psychology.

A History of Indian Buddhism: from Sakyamuni to Early Mahayana : The summation of a lifetime of research on Indian Buddhism, is an exceptionally comprehensive discussion of Indian Buddhism by Hirakava Akira.

A Comparative Study of the Majjhima-nikāya : It collects academic contributions on various aspects related to the Middle-length Collections of discourses by Bhikkhu Analayo.

Buddhist Meditation in Theory and Practice (by Paravahera Vajiranana Mahathera): The book is the result of an inquiry into the theory and practice, the benefits and attainments, and the final goal of the system of meditation, as it is found in the Pali Canon of the Theravādin School of Buddhism.

Mindfulness in Plain English : by Ven. Henepola Gunaratana is a highly regarded, practical and popular introduction to meditation and mindfulness practice.

The Heart of Buddhist Meditation: Details explanation on the Buddha’s way of mindfulness by Nyanaponika Thera.

An Introduction of the Law of Kamma : Explores the doctrine of Kamma (volition) in Theravada Buddhism by Sayadaw U Silananda.

Dependent Origination : The book describes the concept of Dependent Origination, the twelves factors and theirs meaning.

The Roots of Good and Evil : Buddha has taught that there are three roots of evil: greed, hatred and delusion, let’s get to know them.

The Tree of Enlightenment : An introduction to the major Traditions of Buddhism: Theravada, Mahayana & Vajrayana.

Handbook for Mankind : The Handbook of Mankind is useful for those who approach the Buddha's teaching not as a subject for scholarly study but as a means to understand and ennoble their lives written by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu.

Buddhadhamma : Buddhadhamma consists of a rich and comprehensive presentation of the teachings of Theravada Buddhism by Phra Brahmagunabhorn (P. A. Payutto).

Guide to Tipitaka : The Canonical Pāli Buddhist Literature of the Theravāda School complied by U Ko Lay (1984).

What Buddhist Believe : This book illustrates various Buddhist principles from basic to advance concept by Dr.K Sri Dhammanada.

Mahasatipatthana Sutta (DN22) : The Greater Discourse on Steadfast Mindfulness-a must read discourse for meditators at all levels.