EP15: The Fruits of Ascetic Life Part1 |Thanajayo Bhikkhu

Sāmaññaphala Sutta (DN 2)

Dhamma Talk given by Ven.Narongchai Thanajayo to International Monk during Monk Life Thailand ordination and training program on 11 Jun 2022.

Subjects covered:

1. Back ground of the sutta and King Ajatasattu's life

2.King Ajatasattu asks the Buddha 'what is the benefits of someone living life as an ascetic?'

3.Buddha explains the elementary benefits of being an ascetic:

- no longer needs to earn a living as a lay people

- no longer needs to pay taxes

4. View of Six Ascetics in the Pali Canon

Recommended Study:

Samannaphala (DN 2) Ganaka Moggallana (MN 107) Mahāassapura (MN 39)


EP16 Sutta Study: The Fruits of Ascetic Life Part2 |Thanajayo Bhikkhu


EP14: Avijja Sutta Part 2: The Arising of Liberation | Thanajayo Bhikkhu | 15 July 2022