EP10: What makes good monk Part 2 (Mahaassapura Sutta)| Thanajayo Bhikkhu |10 April 2022

This lecture taught by Thanajayo Bhikkhu for the newly ordained International Monk who ordained in the Monk Life Thailand Program in March 2022. There are many places in the Buddhist texts mentions about how the Buddha would like monks to be trained. In this lecture, students will learn several core suttas of how good monks should train themselves.

Topic: What makes good monk?

Mahāassapura Sutta, MN 39

Ganakamoggallana Sutta, MN 107

EP 9: Part 1 (2 Apr 2022) watch on YouTube

1.Hiri & Otappa

2.Purity of body, speech & thoughts

3.Pure in Livelihood

4.Senses Control

5.Moderation in Eating

EP10: Part 2 (10 Apr 2022)

6.Practice Wakefulnes

7.Mindfulness & Awareness

8.Abandoning Hindrances

9.The Four Jhana

10.The Three Knowledge


EP11: Ten Things exist because of the body (Sariratthadhamma sutta)| Thanajayo Bhikkhu


EP9: What makes good monk Part 1 (Mahaassapura Sutta)| Thanajayo Bhikkhu | 2 April 2022