Satipatthana EP1: The Importance of Mindfulness (Sati) | Thanajayo Bhikkhu | 21 Apr 2021

Satipatthana Sutta is one of the most important discourse of the Buddha as appear in the Pali canon. It’s a must study for meditator of all levels.

Satipatthana EP1: exploring the importance of Sati or mindfulness in various dimensions.

“Whatever streams there are in the world, mindfulness (sati) is their prevention. That is the restraint for streams, by wisdom (sampajana) they are shut off”

Ajitamāṇavapuccā (Sn 5)

“Being mindful, one cross attachment to this world.”

Kama sutta, Sn 4.768

Maha Satipatthana Sutta (DN22)


Satipatthana EP2: The Significance & Body Contemplation | Thanajayo Bhikkhu | 27 Apr 2021


5 Characteristics of a good meditator | 2 Feb 2022 | Thanajayo Bhikkhu