“To Benefit oneself is to Benefit Others.”

He was a young successful engineer in the world of Technology , lived and worked in USA for nearly 10 years. His last job before ordaining as a Buddhist monk was a project counsellor for Office of Science and Technology, Royal Thai Embassy in Brussels, Belgium. He was ordained in 2007 and has been staying as a monk ever since.

For over a decade, he has been the Chief of International Ordination and Training Program helping a thousand of men to transform themselves into someone better. The program provides the unique opportunity for spiritual seekers from all around the world to experience the monastic life and deepen their meditation practice.  He serves as the abbot of International Forest Monastery (i-monastery), Chiang Mai, Thailand. He holds an M.A. in Religion and Development and a Ph.D. in Peace Studies. His vision is to “Make the world a better place through the attainment of inner peace of individuals”. 

-Thanajayo Bhikkhu-